ONLINE SCHEDULING - please select Acupuncture if you are an existing patient, Acupuncture & Bodywork if you need more hands-on time, or New Patient Acupuncture for first time appointment. Sliding scale is available for financial hardship. Looking forward to seeing you!
Housecalls are available in Manhattan and in Brooklyn,
Initial Intake Session
Please allow 1.5 to 2 hours for your first session. The initial session consists of a detailed intake of health history, lifestyle, exercise and dietary issues. This is followed by a full acupuncture session. We will establish treatment goals for the acupuncture sessions and estimate total sessions required for resolution of your symptoms. I will make recommendations of simple activity/exercise, dietary and herbal therapies that you can easily incorporate into your existing daily routine.
Follow-up Sessions
Follow up sessions are generally around 1 hour in length. They may consist of solely acupuncture or may include short periods of body work or any other of the adjunct therapies.
Please come in having had a light snack in the previous two hours. Loose comfortable clothing is optional. Please remember to notify me of any injuries or changes in health and/or medications during the previous week, especially in the 48 hours preceding the treatment.
Allow several hours with limited activities and stress to allow the acupuncture treatment to settle in and fully take effect. Jumping from acupuncture to a high-stress workday or high-intensity workout can diminish the effects of the treatment